
All donations go towards supporting the ongoing ministry at St Stephen’s, passing on the good news of Jesus here in Prenton. Thank you for supporting us!

There are a number of different ways to give:

At the church

Cash and cheque gifts can be given in the collection plate at the back. You can also give via our contactless card reader. Cheques should be made out to "St Stephen’s PCC". If you are a taxpayer, please ask for a Gift Aid envelope and sign the declaration, or download and complete the Gift Aid Form below. Some church family use the envelope scheme to give regularly (please ask for details), others give regularly by standing order.

Standing Orders/On-line Donations

You can use this Standing Order Form below, to instruct your bank to make regular payments to St Stephen’s. Giving in a regular way like this helps us to plan well.
You can also use the Bank details on the Standing Order Form to make a one off donation or set up regular giving via on-line banking.

Gift Aid

If you are a UK tax-payer, please download and complete our Gift Aid Form below. This means we get an extra 25p from the government for every £1 you donate.

Easy Fundraising

Collect free donations for St Stephen’s every time you buy something online. Click here for more information


In the past St Stephen’s has been financially supported through the generous gift of legacies. If you would like to discuss leaving a legacy in your will for the benefit of future generations, please speak to the Treasurer or contact Matt Graham.

Thank you

Your support for the ministry at St Stephen’s is invaluable and much appreciated.